

Cetacea from Ancient Greek κῆτος (kêtos) 'sea monster'

In ocean's heart, where mysteries do dwell,

A tale unfolds of sorrow turned to swell,

Where God's own hand did craft a noble steed,

To shield the orphaned ones in hour of need.

With waves as cradle, rocking to and fro,

A gentle dragon stirs, with eyes aglow,

Its scales like emeralds in watery gleam,

A guardian born from Heaven's radiant beam.

For orphaned girls, with innocence betrayed,

In sea of tears, their hopes and dreams delayed,

This dragon soars, with wings of azure hue,

To keep them safe from harm, in ocean's view.

With tender care, it lifts them from despair,

Their laughter rings, dispelling every care,

And as they ride upon its sturdy back,

Their burdens lightened, never to backtrack.

Through storms and shadows, fearsome and obscure,

This sea dragon's love forever shall endure,

A beacon bright amidst the tempest's roar,

Guiding lost souls to safety's welcoming shore.

So let this tale of grace and mercy blend,

Of guardian spirits, faithful to the end,

For in the depths where sea and sky entwine,

God's love shines forth, in creatures so divine.

For this purpose God has equipped this SeaDragons with 

Mind: Smarter, Quicker, Shaper

Body: Stronger, Harder, Faster

Soul: The Holy Spirit